Analysis of Abnormal Braking Situation in Xiaopeng G3

A Xiaopeng G3 user reported an issue on a vehicle quality complaint platform where the G3 unexpectedly accelerated after stopping. The user uploaded a video showing that after the vehicle was normally parked and stationary, it suddenly began to slowly reverse. The driver promptly applied the brakes, but as the vehicle was about to come to a stop, it suddenly accelerated and crashed into a nearby building before stopping.

From the 38-second video provided, it can be observed that after the vehicle had completed the parking action, it moved backward after a short interval. When the driver applied the brakes, the vehicle stopped normally. Four seconds later, the vehicle accelerated noticeably before crashing into a wall behind it. However, the acceleration was not very pronounced.

Analysis of Abnormal Braking Situation in Xiaopeng G3

Due to the lack of sound in the video, it is not possible to determine whether the vehicle's doors were open or whether the electrical system was engaged at the time. Thus, the analysis is based solely on the vehicle's movement trajectory.

The G3 model does not require pressing a start button, so the normal procedure is to park the vehicle in the P (Park) gear and exit. If the P gear was not properly engaged at the time and the parking brake was not applied, the vehicle would remain in the R (Reverse) gear. Whether due to driver error or a system issue, this scenario could lead to the behavior shown in the video. In this situation, the driver was continuously pressing the brake pedal; when the pedal was released, the vehicle began to move backward. After reapplying the brake pedal, the vehicle stopped. When the brake pedal was completely released again, the combination of slope and idle simulation could cause the acceleration observed.

To confirm this situation, external surveillance, brake light analysis, and the slope of the parking position should be considered for a more accurate assessment of the true circumstances.

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