Xiaomi SU7 New Car Breaks Down After Just 39 Kilometers; Customer Service: No Replacement Cars Available, Negotiating a Refund

What should you do when a new car breaks down right after delivery? Most car owners would dread such a situation as it means spending a lot of time and energy dealing with the dealership. Recently, a netizen from Fujian encountered this exact scenario. To make matters worse, customer service informed the owner that there were no replacement cars available, and they would have to negotiate a refund. Since when did buying a car become like shopping at a supermarket, where you can return items right away if they’re faulty?

Xiaomi SU7 New Car Breaks Down After Just 39 Kilometers; Customer Service: No Replacement Cars Available, Negotiating a Refund

On May 6th, in Xiamen, Fujian, a netizen who called himself "the unluckiest Xiaomi SU7 owner" shared his grievance. Mr. Wen said that he had been eagerly waiting for his Xiaomi SU7. but after driving it for just 37 kilometers, the car broke down on the highway. It had to be towed back to the Xiaomi delivery center in Xiamen. He barely had time to enjoy the joy of receiving his new car before experiencing the frustration of a breakdown. This situation would upset anyone, not just Mr. Wen.

So, what exactly went wrong with this Xiaomi SU7? After the breakdown, Mr. Wen pulled over to the side of the road, and the car's headlights flickered. The display system warned, "Vehicle will shut down soon, please park safely and contact online service center." It also showed "Drive system malfunction, unable to shift gears."

A car breaking down isn’t the end of the world if it can be fixed, though it’s certainly annoying and troublesome. At worst, it means getting a replacement since it had only been driven for 39 kilometers and was still under warranty. Xiaomi staff mentioned that Mr. Wen had waited an entire month to get the car.

So, what could be done? A replacement car seemed like a reasonable solution, especially since Mr. Wen really liked the Xiaomi SU7.

However, Xiaomi's response left Mr. Wen devastated. They said that after internal verification, the car’s issue required further analysis at the factory and couldn’t be repaired on-site. To ensure the quality of the user’s experience, they decided to process the car for a refund. The after-sales team also promised to cover any user expenses incurred due to the return.

Xiaomi's response and actions were, in fact, quite reasonable. Returning the car and compensating for losses is exactly the kind of attitude a company should have.

Before receiving his car, Mr. Wen had posted on social media, "Everyone’s getting their cars; finally, it’s my turn!" This shows how much he was looking forward to and liked the car. When Xiaomi responded, Mr. Wen couldn’t accept it—not because of the compensation, but because no one buys a car expecting to return it. He insisted on a replacement, not a refund. Going through the production process again would mean another month of waiting.

This incident isn’t just about a simple car malfunction; it also highlights the gaps in Xiaomi’s after-sales service process and technical repair capabilities. Since its launch, the Xiaomi SU7 has been highly popular among fans. Xiaomi needs to address its issues, improve service processes, and enhance product quality!

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