Fuyao Glass Responds to Concerns about Signal Interference on Xiaomi SU7 Windshield: Reserved Window, No Impact

Fuyao Glass, one of the suppliers for the Xiaomi SU7. responded to inquiries about whether the car's windshield affects cell phone signal reception.

Response Details

The response highlighted two key points. Firstly, Fuyao Glass has specially treated the silver-coated glass, with membrane removal treatment at the installation positions for ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) and GPS devices. In simple terms, the areas for installing the OBU (On-Board Unit for ETC) and satellite navigation system antennas are not coated, ensuring no impact on the recognition efficiency when passing through ETC lanes and the accuracy of navigation.

Fuyao Glass Responds to Concerns about Signal Interference on Xiaomi SU7 Windshield: Reserved Window, No Impact

Secondly, there was no clear mention of whether it affects cell phone signal reception. So, does it have an impact?

Strictly speaking, there is an impact, but it depends on the extent. The silver-coated glass has a thin, high-reflectivity silver film evenly applied to the surface. While it may seem fully coated, the thickness of the silver film is only 10-20 nanometers, which does not significantly affect cell phone signals.

Not Only Xiaomi SU7 Uses Silver-Coated Glass

Previously, silver-coated glass was used only in high-end luxury cars, with a penetration rate of less than 1% due to its high manufacturing cost. However, many domestic cars now use silver-coated glass, such as the Xiaomi SU7. Zhijie S7. NIO ET5T, Zhiji L7. and Li Auto vehicles.

The primary reason for using silver-coated glass in these cars is to enhance the driving experience. Silver-coated glass has a high blocking rate for ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) rays, with UV blocking close to 100% and IR blocking reaching 70-80%. UV rays cause damage, and IR rays generate heat, so using silver-coated glass effectively reduces the car's interior temperature and prevents sunburn during long drives.

Fuyao Glass Responds to Concerns about Signal Interference on Xiaomi SU7 Windshield: Reserved Window, No Impact

"Sky Roofs" or "Sunroofs" Often Use Silver-Coated Glass

Primarily found in mid-to-high-end cars, silver-coated glass is often used for "sky roofs" or "sunroofs." However, some mid-range cars, closer in price to mainstream models, also use it. Additionally, some vehicles use photochromic or electrochromic glass. Photochromic glass changes color in different lighting conditions, becoming transparent at night and turning black under sunlight. This phenomenon is due to the presence of silver halide, similar to the material in color-changing eyeglass lenses.

Do These Car Windows Obstruct Cell Phone Signals?

The answer is that they generally do not. Every mass-produced car ensures normal cell phone communication inside the vehicle. It is also noteworthy that many building curtain walls use silver-coated glass, where cell phones also function normally.

Fuyao Glass Responds to Concerns about Signal Interference on Xiaomi SU7 Windshield: Reserved Window, No Impact

"Underground Garages"

In underground garages, some cell phones lack signal or have weak signals. The reason is that underground garages are constructed from concrete and steel, which can shield specific signal frequencies, creating a "Faraday cage" effect. However, in recent years, newer phones generally maintain communication in underground garages, even inside cars.


Technology is continuously advancing, and using silver-coated glass aims to enhance the driving experience without compromising cell phone communication convenience. Therefore, it does not impact cell phone signals.

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