How Does Xiaomi SU7 Appeal to Female Consumers?

The Xiaomi SU7 is undeniably a phenomenal new car and the current talk of the automotive world. Just a few days after its launch, the number of orders made Xiaomi proud, despite controversies arising from order cancellations or "accidental" locked orders.

Regarding the SU7. both media and netizens have extensively analyzed its marketing and product details. Today, we will primarily share feedback from female consumers, highlighting some of the thoughtful design and marketing details of the Xiaomi SU7 that many previously overlooked.

How Does Xiaomi SU7 Appeal to Female Consumers?

For instance, a wealthy and beautiful woman, whose usual ride is a Mercedes E-Class and who rarely drives, ordered a Xiaomi SU7 despite not being a car enthusiast. Setting aside purchasing power, which isn't an issue for her, her reasons are quite insightful. She mentioned that the sunroof, windshield, and glass on all four sides of the Xiaomi SU7 are seriously sun-protected and look impressive. Additionally, the car comes with a specially designed sunshade, showcasing care for female users and meticulous, considerate product design. This feature effectively protects their complexion, which is a significant concern for them when driving or riding.

Moreover, this new owner praised the Xiaomi SU7's refrigerator damping pad, which prevents bottles and cans inside from shaking around. The car also has storage baskets in both the front and rear trunks and various spaces for decorations, with the purple one being particularly attractive. "I genuinely feel respected by this car! Of course, I support it!"

How Does Xiaomi SU7 Appeal to Female Consumers?

As seen, no matter how many technical details, hardware and software specifications, and performance parameters are discussed, these small product details are more appealing to female users. It may be because women are naturally more sensitive and can personify a product, attributing it with reliability, warmth, and trustworthiness due to its meticulous attention to detail.

Furthermore, Lei Jun's image and temperament, besides appealing to male IT fans or "Mi Fans," surprisingly hold unique value for female consumers as well. As this female car owner stated, "Lei Jun looks very refreshing, not greasy at all. He doesn’t seem like the type to frequent nightclubs, and I heard his wife is his first love, giving the impression of a high-IQ tech guy. So, this car should also be well-made."

How Does Xiaomi SU7 Appeal to Female Consumers?

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Cadillac recently mocked Xiaomi SU7’s surrounding products in its posters, such as the 299 yuan panoramic sunshade curtain and the 129 yuan Mi front windshield sunshade umbrella. However, these "pain points" might actually be strengths for Xiaomi SU7’s target audience.

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