Follow-up on Xiaomi SU7 Car Accident: Owner Pays Nearly 160.000 Yuan for Repairs

Recently, the aftermath of the Xiaomi SU7 brake failure incident, which has been quite a hot topic in the automotive community, has come to light. An automotive blogger shared a first-person perspective of the accident that occurred while driving the Xiaomi SU7 on a race track, along with the subsequent repair costs.

According to the published repair bill, over 130 parts were listed for repair or replacement, with a total cost nearing 160.000 yuan, which is more than half the price of the car. Notably, since the accident occurred on a race track, the insurance company did not cover the damages, meaning the owner had to pay out of pocket. Had such a major accident occurred on a regular road, it would likely have been classified as a total loss.

Follow-up on Xiaomi SU7 Car Accident: Owner Pays Nearly 160.000 Yuan for Repairs

Reviewing the incident, the blogger was driving the Xiaomi SU7 on the Qinhuangdao Shougang race track and had only completed half a lap before the accident occurred at a speed of 214 km/h. The blogger claimed that the brakes failed (due to brake fade), forcing him to swing the car into a pendulum motion, ultimately losing control and hitting a wall. From the video, it appears that the main collision area was the rear of the car, which was severely damaged. Additionally, the steel frame of the driver's seat was deformed. Based on the revealed repair items, the bodywork costs for the entire car were quite high.

Regarding the Xiaomi SU7's repair bill, some netizens exclaimed that the maintenance cost is indeed high, with a rear-end collision costing 150.000 yuan. On the other hand, others argued that considering the high-speed impact, it's impressive that the car could be repaired at all.

It's worth mentioning that this was not the first time a Xiaomi SU7 had an accident on the track. Earlier in April, another automotive blogger, also had an accident while driving a Xiaomi SU7 at the Shanghai Tianma Circuit. The cause of that accident was worn-out brake pads, leading to the car losing control and crashing into a tire wall. Both front airbags deployed, and the windshield sustained two cracks.

Subsequent inspections by staff at a Xiaomi 4S shop (a dealership offering sales, repairs, parts, and services) revealed that the car's three electrical systems were intact. Repairs and replacements were needed for 40 parts, including airbags, seat belts, radiator, condenser, and wheels, totaling 53.000 yuan. This repair cost sparked significant discussion online, with many netizens calling it "really cheap."

However, this time, the rear collision repair quote of nearly 160.000 yuan is indeed not cheap. Of course, the final repair cost will be based on the second quote. We will continue to report on any further developments.

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